Monday, August 13, 2012

World Peace Project

World peace means everything to me.  It is my platform for the rest of my life, and, my life’s mission and the work that I intend to fulfill before my death, is to serve the people of earth in my crusade for world peace. For me, world peace is the most important thing that anyone can attain to have in this life.  I cannot think of any role that is more significant than that of a world peace activist.  

People like the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and so forth, have inspired a revolution of peacemakers, leading by example, the way to peace.  Regardless of the ways of hate and war that stood in their ways, they believed that the only way to conquer such things was through love. In my dreams, I see a world of rainbow people, who see themselves as children of the light, and as the light shines through them, becoming prismatic in the radiance of each colour that they have beholded through their personal and individual heritage as an evolution of the one true unit.

I want to be able to openly discuss and bring to the forefront the issues that drive wedges between us as brothers and sisters of planet earth.  These differences in race and creed, culture, historical value, idealism, language, faith and religious doctrine, social status, and political indifference, all come from the same source.  We need to recognize that beyond our differences as an estranged diversity of distant familiarity, what we are is a generation of children that have evolved to reflect the journey of our forefathers, who in all truth, were brothers of the same seed.

We need to see our differences as particular and distinctly relative reflections of the legacy that drove our forefathers to express themselves as individuals and declare an independence from the unit of the core humanity.  Each of us come to represent that which we were taught.  Our evolution is a finite declaration of where we migrated to, what we are, how we lived, what we believed in, what was important to us… we became more of what was valued and less of what was left behind… and to each his own, we became different. 

I think that world peace will come when we first in our hearts then by our minds and of our actions, begin to perceive ourselves in relationship with one another differently.  But first, I think that it is more important to perceive ourselves differently.  My foundation for the school of thought toward world peace, is not simply to tolerate one another and to pledge a life a love an non violence, but to change the perspective of our reality to see this… A World of Windows.

How I intend to actively promote world peace is simply to speak out about it.  I believe that when people are more informed about certain aspects of a united global community, they will have the option to choose for themselves a more peaceful way of living.  I am not hoping to tell people how to think, rather than to simply share with them my personal perspectives.  New ways of seeing opens minds.  Be inspired by the light of the rainbow to believe in this one love. 
The music moved me.  First to my feet, then to my fleet.  A sort of freedom was this remarkable generation of energy.  I fell in love with the confirmation of my own present sovereignty.  Bob Marley, Lenny Kravitz, Jimi Hendrix, all spoke to me at once.  Guitar Heroes; legends of the eternal premise of a promissory notation linked to my heart.  Keys to the rhythmic blues like hues that intensely infuse that purple haze, perhaps, beyond the surreal infatuation of some remarkable bliss that heightens the sensitive reaction to this monumental sound called rocket, it was the propeller that drove my machine to the realization that, this is it.
If you told me that I couldn't, I wouldn't believe you, because the mere fact that I accept your ill notions could hinder me in the most absolute way.  Your doubt and fear kills the dream of hope that all things are possible.  I would disregard your empty words and overrule them with my faithful heart, always seeking for the deeper gratitude of life that reinforces the reciprocated value of my mind; thus, I would dare to defy you along with all odds necessary in order to declare the dignified right to follow my heart to the truth that lives to conquer.  I would tell you this; that, if it lives inside of me it is only for the purpose that I should discover a way to free it, emancipating the possibility in the positive radiance of light. Thus the challenge of life is beyond survival, in the order that we should create new ways to masterfully express the path to illumination.  My innovation has led me to this resourceful state of mind where it becomes certainly an aid to declare you impotent against me.  In my quest, I see beyond your shadows of over-saturated jargon, into the place that is clearly free to become everything that is possible.
It is true, that I spent a lifetime on a voyage toward the attainment of self discovery, for which I have no credits to show for all of my troubles.  A life of time wasted, many would assume, as I trod the path that would lead me to finally become that by which I can be satisfied in and of this framework called self.  Yet, in the material world, fabricated by the mere illusion of gain toward triumph, I have gained nothing, but a loss of time.  Although this may be a subjective truth, my reality is that by which time has stood still, for in every moment that has come to be, it has been ordered by time itself, and nothing is revealed before its appointed time.  Indeed, my work has been done and my journey fulfilled, that I should prepare my self for the day by which I will be called upon.  I am ready now, and if that says nothing, then there is nothing more to be said.
The city is truly a beauty, filled with life and light and energy.  Constant movement and truly there is a magic that exists in such a metropolitan, for it possess such power that it becomes a conductor of emerging energy and demands that it be recognized as the center of the world.  Even in such a place, I find peace, as I continue to seek stillness and silence in full awareness of the voice within.  Yet, perhaps I quest a greater truth that this material world has diluted in all of its static electricity, for here, you cannot even see the stars at night.  Perhaps my heart lives to go on and not to settle for the longing to dwell in such a place like this, for, my enthusiasm for this surging fusion and curiosity for the possibility of excitement in the fast paced reality has dimmed low, and now, I feel that on this day, I have come only for the mere moment that allows me to recognize the calling toward the succession of a greater duty.  What lives on within me is the desire to see the connective alignment of the stars at night.  Clarity, beyond this artificial noise called blinding light, is the mission of my sovereign element.
In the quest to conquer myself, to become the best version of my own inspired truth, how do I look beyond my own imperfection.  Flawed, I dwell within this humanity and the nature of all things physical.  I am seeking balance in all things, hoping to find peace on the middle path, in a resolution to accept all things and to learn through the consequential reality that although 'that which sustains me destroys me', the natural order of the universe reigns with perfect balance.  In this lifetime, I have learned to endure the trials and tribulations of lessons learned through experiences earned.  Some day, in my old age, hair grey of streaking white adorning like a platinum crown of stars upon my head, I will wear proudly the wisdom learned and earned through withstanding the test of time.  It is then and only then that I will fully understand that my imperfection is that which has indeed most contributed to my perfection.  In these times to come, I shall be a grand teacher of distinguished eloquence, Illumined, and with vivid stories to tell of how I overcame all obstacles in the quest to prove only to myself that, in faith, dreams do come true.  I'll never stop believing in the perfection that lives beneath my skin, that is the root of all expressions of my flesh, for it is my core and the ultimate beauty of any universal element known to this constant creation of my own evolution.  I'll never stop challenging myself to be greater tomorrow than I was yesterday, and, for each moment that I live, in this today, and the days to come, I will remember that, the only perfection that I shall ever attain is of the spirit, and of my heart, for all else passes with time, as the physical nature of the beautiful beast is a passing whirl.  I let go of the essence of such things in remembrance of that which will always stand the test of time.
Sound the music, for my ears are listening out for the call of that which will move me.  I am here to hear the trumpets roar, yet, who knows the truth-filled sound of my own beating drum, the call of my heart, the timeless rhythm of my pulse that leads me to it, crying out in harmonic sync to the ultimate universe, beyond this galaxy, beyond this world, it is the encompass of all creation in the sphere to this relative relevance that I am.