
Blank pages staring back at me, unreasonably, I try to decode the stoic nature of an impulsive void. Seemingly the response is stark. I don't really understand the symbolic nature of the words that are defined by the principal origins. Uncomfortably, the tension resides within, yet I resolve my indifference by bending within the realming regions of my elasticity. Bouncing back, I collectively submit to the flexibility of an ever merging momentum of free flowing evolution of light and life. The music is a vibration of electricity bouncing off of the walls. When the speed of light meets the sound of music, I come alive in the most eminent of all by means of matter.

Because there are no words to express the righteous sound of music, the righteous language of the free element is a contemplative value more definite than the construction of any tongue. Infinity is the long standing dynamics of our own origins in the regional momentum of synchronicity and function.

From a distance the whole world is blue and green. I think that I would be more free if I could always fly and only knew the view of an aerial perspective from very far away. The whole world is green and alive and fresh and new and good - creative energy lives and dwells and is preceded by the illumination of a material warmth that surpasses the limitations of a gravitational bound to the soiled earth. The nature of things come to live in the fertile bound and the energy releases creative masses to be fulfilled. I am the essence of an overjoyed incubation of self. I am riveted by the explosive energy that is contrary to death, because it is life. It comes alive and blooms and blooms and blossoms in the birth of goodness and glory.

I believe in a world of purity, where dreams come alive through the faithful pursuit of tribute to truth in the establishment of life.