
I breathe. Deeply, I inhale into the capacity of my lungs a captivity of essential freedom that escapes me only for moments at a time as I release upon the call of obedience to relax my grip and withhold the fond embrace of a vital goodness that satisfies the urge of my eternal heart. Air. I consume the pure and ideal mimic of a revealed source of cosmic reality that is my own necessity, as I crave nothing more than to become the core restoration. Ambient and transcendentally, there is a beautiful and wonderful bewildered bewitchment, spellbound by the intensely enthralling value of such a dynamic. Possibly, the gift that you have given me is the infinite source upon which all declare as quested. Compassionate constitutions. Myriads are infallible and destitute to its forcefield. Hello? It is pure like air. Air becomes the water. Water beholds the fruit. Pure, it is the free root. Tree. Life. Light. A dignity only known in dreams of what a perfect world would be in formula, in practice. In pretense, suppose it were possible that on this new day, one should come from among your masses and declare to be the prototype of the new way.? Enlighten me.

Inspiration. Capture the magic in a framework of ingenuity. Genius sentiments of the creative process become the expression of gratitude toward the almighty restoration of a dwindling fate. Saturate with pure goodness that everything else become inferior. Chaos and noise can be powerfully creative tools which emboss bothering prognosis in channelling mass medium format, distinguished dilution of familiar excitement, fluid movement of energy, spellbinding by the radiance of a shared tranquility. Perhaps the solution to madness is madness.

Energy inspires. Infused with bliss it becomes a shared tradition of sound, transformed.

Because change must first be inspired. I wonder what it takes to truly inspire the hearts of those to evolve progressively. Positively, a work in progress, a living example. A point of reference. Believing that it is possible.

What I propose is difficult to attain. It is to single handedly affect the process of the worlds evolution by inspiring its state of mind to accept an absolute alternative. To live in reverse order.

I am inspired by the contents of my heart. When I dream, where do I wonder? The drift is more than a mere sensation of sensory infatuations with ideals and preconceived notions of self in lieu of and despite the illusionary reality. In my dreams I've imagined nothing. More so, I merely become the free yielding relativity. Perceptions are altered only when I choose to ignore my living dream. I accept the dream. I become a dancer to my wonderful visual and vibrational flow.

I'm dreaming and its a living dream. I cannot and will not wake up. I'll tell you about this dream, and the stories that it tells. Today, I become the embodiment of I. So, I must dance, for it is the only way.

I've seen the future. Filled with vibrant promises of the spectrum of the revolutionary sphere. Rainbow. Colors triumphantly and victoriously stand to represent the ration of their own. Golden pots are awaiting some one to claim the discovery of that which exists, co-existing with the phases of an ultimate time. Saturated with the dilution of a mysterious something that needs only to be infused once more with the reminder that magic exists and lives within the hearts and minds and souls of each of our own.

The Promised Land awaits. Hope. Promises of life. The freedom to fly and soar. To inspire goodness and greatness. I am called to remember the forgotten. In this place, we know to fly, for we have wings. We are creatures of pure, pulling magnetic static energy of emerged balance and peace and magic.