Monday, August 13, 2012

Be True To Self

Alek Wek is the most beautiful woman. There is something about the way her richly toned complexion, so pure and undisturbed, contrasts with the blank statement of a white garment. She stands apart from what is considered normal by the popular opinion of what beautiful is. Surely, for me, she is the absolute and most beautiful. 

The homogeneous and uniformed composition, not only of her magnetic dark skin, but of her sleek lines, although mildly curved, are noted for renowned definition and ultimate character. There is no question of her substance. She is her own premise and owns an identity that is undeniable. Bold and captivating. Yet, such an alien to the world of beauty in which she resides, there is no doubt or question as to what makes her special, as she stands out immaculately. Although it is difficult to identify with or relate to such an acute and accurate, undiluted source of reputable beauty, she defies normality and has become the exception to every rule. She demands to be respected as she takes a stand, although alone, to represent the prize of a people.

Alek Wek has broken the mould, and is accepted for her alien nature. She seen as an enigma, enticingly so, and redefines everything that was once seen as desirable for a woman. Even the soft silhouette of her facial gestures are the ideal form of feminine beauty. The elements of her physical nature, the hypnotism of her long and lithe frame and all of its composites, conclusively tell the story of her compelling heritage. With her she carries a dynamic pride for the journey of a people, deeply engraved in the history of her flesh and bone. She is a vision of strength, yet, charmingly, of her tranquil allure and innocent eyes, there is a softness about her that is simply riveting. 

Ultimately, it is in her irresistible smile that I feel most inspired by. Of it, her face glows, and in her presence, the spaces of time gleams with the good grace of her potent and prized beauty. Alek Wek is, for me, the epitome of darkness; a relic of feminine ideal beauty. The Smile Of Alek Wek Is A Light In the Darkness; The most beautiful vision that eyes can see.

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