Monday, August 13, 2012

It is true, that I spent a lifetime on a voyage toward the attainment of self discovery, for which I have no credits to show for all of my troubles.  A life of time wasted, many would assume, as I trod the path that would lead me to finally become that by which I can be satisfied in and of this framework called self.  Yet, in the material world, fabricated by the mere illusion of gain toward triumph, I have gained nothing, but a loss of time.  Although this may be a subjective truth, my reality is that by which time has stood still, for in every moment that has come to be, it has been ordered by time itself, and nothing is revealed before its appointed time.  Indeed, my work has been done and my journey fulfilled, that I should prepare my self for the day by which I will be called upon.  I am ready now, and if that says nothing, then there is nothing more to be said.

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