
The Prima Light Alive are a collection of stories. For Alije Maria, it is a narrative conquest to discover the true nature of the stories her grandmother once told her, in passing on a great wisdom of the ages.

Revelation of the five stories of The Prima Light Alive known as The Golden Globe, Parable of Stars, World of Windows, Arc of the Covenant, and Avenue Sovereign, will become the Enigma.

My main objective in life is to tell this story; the vision of my dreams. All other goals that I can have will revolve around the creative succession of this ongoing project. Even if it take a lifetime to complete this mission that has inspired my heart to share my world with as many people in the world that I can, my level of success will be based on how well I am able to express the contents of my mind for people to know and to understand.

I'll dare to take the chance to build a life that's all my own.  to start from scratch.  to create a whole new world from foundation up.  based on everything that is most true to me.  I'll dare to stand for something and to show a new way by living life out loud.  somewhere over the rainbow where dreams come true, someone first believed that there was a way to fly.  as i pass on the legacy of truth that i have come to know as my own living light, I'll teach children to see the world as a divine dimension.  there is no better way... but evolution demands progression... and i must be true.  follow the heart.  listen to the music.  live freely.  dance forever.  leave a legacy behind.  tell the story.