Monday, August 13, 2012

Life continues to be a constant challenge.  We create our lifestyles as we create our personalities and our own images; and in this way we become the creatures of creation who dictate our own habits.  We become painters of the future by the choices that we make today.  I remember this now as I head toward the future.  Old habits are just as difficult to eliminate as new habits are to create.  Even more so, practice makes perfect.  I remember one saying in particular, that we ought to make the good better best, and to never let it rest, until the good is better and the better is best.  My life is a sequence of good habits waiting to be formed.  Each day, I have to try to be a better version of who I was yesterday, for this is the only way to become the best version of who I will be tomorrow.  It is like training for a race; training for life and the race toward the future.  I look forward to the unveiling of my good future, and today my heart is opened wide to accept its good graces.

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