The Path

Ive stopped searching now. Ive found it. Everything that I have ever longed for, to have attained in life. I see the light and all of the truth that reigns within it. I have accepted this truth as my own and it has given me a great peace. Yet, be it known that to live in a state of consciousness governed by the reality of peace does not mean to experience the absence of conflict; to know bliss and eternal happiness does not mean to be void of the tendency to weep and mourn. The beauty lives within the beast, as I live within this darkness. The liberated light still yet seeks to experience life in the continuation of this journey. Although the objective of my experience has shifted, I remain one in part with the human experience, for this blessed vessel is my home and I am still here as a part of this world hoping to learn more. 

How will I now spend the rest of my days, since there is nothing more that I hope to gain of this world? Except that I must fulfill the promise of my heart, to share this light that Ive found with the world, to share this story as my mission, to be the herald of the message that is the very song of my heart. All along, I have been searching for the truth of my own heart... now that I have found it, I must choose a path. 

They say that many paths lead to the same place... for what is more important than the path is the resolution of the bearer. It is more important the frame of my mind and the resolution of my heart than the physical path of my choice... because in my heart and in my mind I have already chosen a path whereby all other actions of my form will and must follow. The choices made within the core establishment of the union of self will dictate the evolution of this course of my future. If I go left or right or up or down, I end up the same place, centered and at peace, because this is from where I came, and to where I belong. 

I am going as I have already chosen, the path that is long and straight and narrow, where many branches are free to come and grow. Less than the popular choice, it is the difficult choice that I now must make.

When will I realise that it doesn't matter... that nothing matters, and whatever I do and wherever I go from here on in, will be heaven.